Working together to facilitate access to sustainable energy for those without it.

Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas

Founded in 2011, the Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas (RNG Coalition) advocates for development and deployment of RNG in North America, so that present and future generations will have access to domestic, affordable, ultra-clean heat, fuel, and power. 

The RNG Coalition's member companies and partner organizations comprise all sectors and the full value-chain of the renewable gas industry.

Center for Latin-American Strategic Studies

Located in Bogotá, Colombia, the Center for Latin-American Strategic Studies (CEELAT) is an independent non-profit and non-partisan think tank focusing on issues of strategic importance to Colombia and the South American region, including: economic development of renewable energy alternatives and sustainable use of natural resources.


The JBS Group

Located in the Washington, DC area, The JBS Group is a private consulting group founded by Joel Stronberg, Esq., specializing in support of the development and commercial deployment of sustainable energy, energy efficiency technologies, and resiliency planning. Clients include non-governmental, private, and governmental organizations.